Balissande Finishing School is the first traditional finishing school hosted online. It caters to a limited number of women around the world, offering an education that refines mannerisms, deportment, communication, thought-processes, and actions.


    Balissande refines who you are, what you do, and how you do it. Every week, students engage in activities and perform exercises that keep them interested and inspired. They also gain access to guides and recommendations for building an elegant lifestyle.


    Descendants of politicians; attendees of political, corporate, and art gatherings; hostesses of royalty, politicians, diplomats, presidents and vice-presidents — Balissande is a small team of professionals, the finest in the fields of etiquette, travel, fashion, art, savoir-faire and savoir-vivre.


    At Balissande, students will gain access to individual help, lessons, reviews, stories, recommendations, downloads, videos, discussion boards, and more - all perfectly suited to learning the art of being a refined and cultivated lady.


Balissande is much more than an etiquette school. It is a school of refinement, teaching the type of savoir-faire and savoir-vivre needed to navigate societies in which knowledge of basic etiquette rules is not enough. Our teachers and consultants teach a style that caters to political, executive, and old money lifestyles. They also curate luxurious but elegant items to refine tastes and thus, lifestyles.


The culture at Balissande is one of elegance, consideration, traditional values, and most importantly, progression. Our goal is to push you to go higher, to dig deeper, to do more, and be more. We believe everything is possible with the right knowledge.


You no longer have to postpone college, quit your job, leave your partner, or send transcripts to attend a finishing school. Our online programs provide you the opportunity to study anywhere, anytime, at your own pace. Our online styling guides provide you quick and easy opportunities to update your wardrobe and refine your public image. We are finishing teachers and luxury curators bringing Balissande Finishing School to you!



  • Is Balissande an etiquette school?

    Although Balissande teaches etiquette, it is not an etiquette school. It is a traditional finishing school. It teaches many subjects of refinement, including etiquette. Balissande helps ladies navigate the societies in which knowledge of basic etiquette is not enough.

  • How are courses and programs taught?

    The courses and programs are taught completely online and in written format. They are not podcasts or video classes. They are written tutorials that you can open and read at anytime and in any place around the world via the internet. For demonstration purposes, a small number of videos and images have been included in each course.

  • Why are courses and programs taught in written format?

    We use the traditional written format over video format to teach our courses because we believe students learn more from written formats. Also, there is so much more information, experiences, and tips we can share in written formats. We could never hope to discuss them all in a video. Most of our courses are very detailed, offering information you will not find anywhere on the internet. The traditional written format also provides us the opportunity to update pages and add information quickly for you.

  • Does Balissande send prospective students copies of the curriculum?

    Currently, we do not provide detailed copies of our curriculum to prospective students. To see a curriculum for a desired course or program, you must enroll in the course or program. To see an overview, please click on the course or program you desire and scroll down until you reach the curriculum section.

  • What is the advantage of learning finishing skills online?

    The advantage of learning refinement online with Balissande Finishing School is that you can study it at anytime via the internet, anywhere in the world. You do not have to uproot your home for months at a time. If you work or attend university, you can continue to do so while studying with us, getting the best teaching the internet can provide. You can adapt our courses to fit your schedule, shortening or lengthening it. We provide a very flexible way for you to learn.

  • Are the lessons easy?

    The ease depends on the person. The more knowledge you have on the subject, the easier it will be. Each subject contains many rules and variables. So learning them will not be a one day effort. You will need to schedule time to study and practice every week, just like with any traditional course. Please do not enroll if you do not have a deep interest in refinement or do not have the time to study. Courses and programs at Balissande will require a lot of time and effort from you.

  • Who studies at Balissande Finishing School?

    We have had students from around the world, who come with different purposes. Some come for professional reasons, looking for ways to distinguish themselves from the rest and advance in their career. Some come for marriage reasons, wanting to refine themselves in order to attract wealthy men, to help their partner advance professionally, or to gain acceptance from their partner's social network and family. And some come for personal reasons, looking to advance their knowledge. Whatever your reasons, we welcome you!

  • What currency does Balissande use?

    The currency is: United States Dollar (USD).

  • Can questions be asked?

    Yes. We welcome questions. All you have to do is email us.

  • Is there an age requirement to enroll?

    Yes, Balissande does have an age requirement. All students must be 18 years old or above. However, we prefer for students to be 20 (for lifestyle reasons). There is no other requirement. Balissande welcomes ladies in their 50s, 60s, and even 70s. Age exceptions can be made for those who prove that their lifestyle already requires above-average finishing skills as well as a great interest in learning.

  • Is Balissande a great place to socialize?

    Yes and no. Your level of socialization will depend on how many enrolled students want to socialize at the time you enroll. Balissande prides itself on the high level of privacy it offers. And most students take advantage of this. So if your main purpose for enrolling is to become friends with the elite, Balissande may not be the best choice for you. Please only enroll if you are interested in learning finishing skills.

  • Does Balissande offer programs for men?

    Unfortunately, Balissande does not currently offer programs or courses for men.

  • Does Balissande provide certificates?

    Not all programs and courses provide certificates. And the programs that do provide certificates require sufficient student participation to receive it. To find the programs and courses that offer certificates, please read through the FAQ section for each program and course.

  • What is the cost of a Balissande program?

    Currently, the cost for the 11-Week finishing program is $33,050 USD. And the cost for the 17-Week finishing program is $54,050 USD. There will also be additional outside costs after enrollment. A "school supply" shopping list is provided the first week of the program.


“The course was amazing to say the least. I was very happily consumed by the valuable information contained in the course. The topics addressed all the necessities of how to become a confident and elegant lady. Being a wife of a diplomat, I very much value every opportunity I can get to learn how I can present myself better to the world. This course was the best mentor I could get.”

H, wife of a diplomat

“I have taken etiquette lessons before and studied it on my own. So, I thought I knew all that I needed to know. However, this school made me see how much knowledge I was still missing. I am grateful for the opportunity I have been given to expand my mind and goals.”

Marie, Ph. D.

“I recommend the ladies at Balissande Finishing School. I finished my bespoke course a few weeks ago and am satisfied at the results. Due to the fact I am male, I didn't get the full service. I was only able to get etiquette lessons. I hope they will hire a man soon so I can also sign up for a deportment course. ”

Henry, M.D.